Saturday, November 29, 2008

Menu del Dia: Ternasco Asado

Tyler prepared this lamb steak coated with fresh rosemary and potatoes (pages 80-81). This meal epitomizes the purpose of the book - basic, daily fare. The potatoes were very good, and the lamb alright. My problem with the lamb was more my lack of preference for lamb meat. I think I've only had lamb a few times - one was a rack at a cheese club party, and the others are long forgotten. The recipe called for a roast, but I brought home a steak since I didn't want to spend too much.

The lamb is a locally raised 4-H animal that I bought at our county fair a couple of months ago. I chronicled my experience of looking my food in the eyes here. I'm well beyond where I was when I wrote those words, and now am very eager and satisfied buying locally raised meat - especially 4-H meat which was cared for by a child.


Tyler Connoley said...

The potatoes were amazingly awesome. Leftover, they made a great frittata the next day.

Manggy said...

Hmm, how were the potatoes prepared? ;)

Tyler Connoley said...

The recipe was really simple. Slice and blanch the potatoes. Then layer them with slivers of garlic and olive oil and salt to taste. Top with the lamb, which has been rubbed in rosemary and olive oil. Bake at a temperature anywhere from 250 to 325 Fahrenheit, until the potatoes and lamb are as done as you like.

Rohan Daft says, "It's another in the great Spanish tradition of simple one-pot affairs that, as here with the potatoes playing foil to the lamb, couldn't work better at imparting flavor." I completely agree that the lamb and potatoes were a great foil for one another.