Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Crock Pot Technical Difficulties

Okay, so here's the deal, I liked Pam's the best, BUT she doesn't allow people to see her profile which means I have no way of contacting her. So, I'll see if she reads this before the end of tomorrow (Thurs). If she doesn't contact me, I'll let my 2nd choice be the winner - and I know that I can contact them....Pam...where are you?


  1. Gosh, I thought this was the Pam I know, but it turns out it's not the same person as my Pam. Sorry!

  2. Yay for Pam! I hope she see's this. Those ribs did look good. I'll have to try them out on the Mr I think!

  3. Who knew - two Pams in the same world - crazeeeeee! And I wouldn't be rooting her on if I were her competition, unless its one of those fake rootings that is actually, "I hope she's stuck under a ton of jello when she was driving behind the jello truck that crashed" know, that kind of root.

  4. Of course not! I'm just a nice person *evil grin* (I joke! I really am nice!)

  5. sorry Pam! Onto the next in line.

  6. You sassing me Connoley?! Ha ha ha :)

  7. I just saw this and emailed Rob. I'm really sorry I missed out!
    But, glad he enjoyed the ribs and kraut.

  8. Congrats to Pam! I don't do the crockpot thing very often and entered mine more for fun than any expectation of it winning but I may have to check out the ones that made your top 2 or 3 when I'm in one of those moods to dig it out.
